Catching up on the week’s leftovers, hey, look: Tales of Berseria [ official site ] is out! The latest in Bandai Namco’s long-running RPG series launched on..
We were probably not alone in worrying about Michel Ancel’s PlayStation 4-exclusive, WiLD . The open world survival adventure title was announced...
Io-Interactive’s reboot of their beloved Hitman franchise will be receiving its physical release later this month, but all owners will get to enjoy the benefits of an update...
Square Enix seems to enjoy abusing their Kingdom Hearts fans. In order to get the full story behind the game, you need to purchase all of the...
At 2pm PT/5pm ET/10pm GMT, Gearbox will release the giant Battleborn Winter Update, which is 13GB on PlayStation 4, 15GB on PC, and 18GB on Xbox One. Some of...
Holy F*ck! nieuwsitems gaan over games die misschien niet nieuwswaardig zijn, maar die juist zo grappig, apart of schokkend zijn dat wij deze toch graag met jullie willen delen. We kunnen er niet om liegen, ma...
We zijn er al achter gekomen dat Playstation VR uitermate geschikt is voor racegames. Ook Codemasters ziet dit in en komt binnenkort met de toevoeging van een VR mode in DiRT Rally! Codemasters kondigt vandaag...